Saturday 3 November 2012

XMind Download

Posted by Unknown On 23:27 No comments

Multi-lingual, open-source XMind is the best-looking free mindmapper. It also stresses sharing maps and using them for collaboration with others.

Mind Mapping

Productivity is what matters most.

Special thanks to Tony Buzan, who brings us the mind map, a proven theory can help us dramatically to clear our thinking, improve productivity level. Mind Map structure in XMind contains a root in the center, with main branches radiating from it. 

Besides the Mind Map structure, XMind also offers Org-chart, Tree-chart, Logic-chart, and etc. These charts will play an important role in some circumstances. For example, Org-chart can show the company/department/team structure clearly. Logic-chart is very useful in sorting the reasons. 

More important, all these charts can be used within one map! Every branch can have the most proper structure, even every topic. This is a great usability.

Fishbone Chart

Help much in timeline management and quality defect prevention.

Fishbone Chart
Fishbone chart, also known as the Cause & Effect diagram , generates a series of branches which help users visually organize causal relationships in complex ideas or events.

Business people are often faced with project management with milestones and timelines. Fishbone chart is well suited to tracking such schedules. It illustrates a series of activities in a time sequence, and how the whole project is impacted by different milestones on the schedule. Each branch can also be detached into detailed recursive activities. Through Fishbone chart, peole can quickly capture a glimpse of key activities and their dependencies within a schedule, and take proper measures to accelerate the project.


Add rows to your mind map. (originally called spreadsheet)


Matrix displays a set of complex factors and behaviors in rows and columns, thus enabling in-depth comparative analysis for project management, strategic decision-making, and any other important things. It allows people to easily arrange information as a table, and at the same time, also include multiple topics - complete with individual appearances and structures - within each cell. 

Matrix is more than a table, or a spreadsheet in any other mind mapping software. Actually it's a kind of structure of mind map content model. Cell topics are sub topics of the row topic and columns are labels. A matrix can be easily converted to a meaningful mind map and vice versa.

Mind Toolbox

  • Mind Toolbox: Relationship


    Relationship is a customized line between any two topics on the map to show some special relation. You can use different shapes, colors to express the meaning, or add direct word description.

    Mind Toolbox: Summary


    Summary adds the summary topic for selected topics at the necessary time in your divergent mind map. Like other types topic, summary topic can change the style, and extend to subtopics.

    Mind Toolbox: Marker


    Marker is widely used in mind maps and plays an important role. It's used to express specific meaning, like priority, progress, risk, feeling, and etc. Your own images can also be added as markers.

    Brainstorming Mode

    All your thought goes into your mind map.

    What's better than a full-screen mind map, when you're in a team brainstorming? Brainstorming Mode is made up for that. Here, you and teams can take all attention on recording the inspiration and sparkles in your mind. A well-designed timer could help you to save time and raise the productivity.

    Of course, keyboard shortcuts are available in this mode. It helps to navigate, add/remove/edit topics, collapse/expand branches, zoom the map, add relationship, boundary, and more. It almost frees your mouse.

  • Mind Toolbox: Boundary


    Boundary is a closed area over topics. When you want to emphasize some content, or tell readers some special concept, boundary can group these topics together. We also have many styles for your boundary.

    Mind Toolbox: Label


    Label is a plain text tag that is attached to topics and typically used for simple annotation and categorization. A topic can have multiple labels. You can even filter topics by label. It's effective.

    Mind Toolbox: Drill Down

    Drill Down

    Drill Down is an XMind magic. It enables you to focus on a specific branch of your mind map. When drilling down, the focused branch will be displayed as the central branch. It's a new level, not new map. And level has not limits.


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