Wednesday, 31 October 2012

In Dynamic Views the widgets will hide after 2 or 3 second when you take the mouse over. If you want these widgets to stay visible, just follow the steps below

Go to Dashboard --> Template --> Customize --> Advanced --> Add CSS --> paste the following code --> Press enter after the last character of the last line } --> Apply to Blog. 

position: fixed !important;
right: 0px !important;


If you want this widgets in left side of your blog copy and paste the following code by the same way

position: fixed !important;
left: 0px !important;


Suhas C said...

Hey adsense is disapproving my blog so can i add other ads HTML code...

Unknown said...

yes of course you can. But you cant get more money through other advertising programs. google adsense is the best one, but you have to index your blog and should post atleast 80-100 posts. Your posting content should be unique than others. And more important is traffic. Your blog should have more traffic i.e more than 200 to 300 views per day. Do all these things and apply for adsense again. You will get it for sure. :D

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