Wednesday 27 August 2014

Last Day of The World !!!

Posted by Unknown On 04:44 No comments

"Whoa!!! We are in danger!!  The world is gonna end!! Move!! Move!!"

These are the famous slogans and dialogue we often hear in movies. But its shocking when NASA scientists chants that slogans seriously. Reason: An asteroid is coming far down to hit the earth. 

An asteroid named "1950 DA Asteroid" is travelling at a pace of 14 kmph  in space. That asteroid can strike the earth at the speed of 61,000 kmph says scientists. Its diameter covers more than 1 km.

This is how asteroid extinction occurred 65 million years ago which depleted the whole dinosaurs dynasty.

So When this "1950 DA Asteroid" strikes and blasts in earth, there will a huge population loss across the world or when it falls in Atlantic Ocean, the world may see a mighty Tsunami waves that have not been seen before.

This Asteroid had been seen first in 1950 Feb 23rd by a NASA scientist. That's why they named it as "1950 DA Asteroid". From the Date they noticed, it had been watched for 17 days by NASA Scientists. Then suddenly it disappeared from the sight.

Then after half century got over, The NASA Scientists caught up the sight of "1950 DA Asteroid" in 31st Dec 2000. 

Recently in 15th Feb 2013, A Meteor had been strike in Russia on the place called Chelyabinsk

6 Million Ton weighted Meteor's vibration is compared to 19 times the disaster happen in Hiroshima says the experts. As it blasted in sky, a huge disaster had been avoided.

Still 500 of them injured and buildings and glass windows had been damaged. Some of them lost their eye sight as they saw the meteor in naked eye.

The NASA Scientists are thinking that this meteor had been somehow handled as it blasted in sky. Now their main disappointment is that how they gonna be handle  "1950 DA Asteroid".

The Scientist tracked the distance and says that it gonna happen after 832 year.

If the Asteroid gonna strike in 16th March 2880, then that day will be the LAST DAY OF THE WORLD!!!


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