Saturday 9 August 2014

  •  To be a perfect sniper, the first point is to be invisible. Others should not know where you are shooting from. This is the great asset for a perfect sniper.
  • Cover yourself when you reload. This is a major mistake the gamer do. Do not stand plain when you reload, so that it will be a opportunity for others to make a head shot. When you make cover yourself make sure that others did not see your position where you have hidden.
  • Stay cool and calm when you snipping around. If you snipe with anger, you are just shaking the joystick and losing your target. So remember to stay calm.
  • A good tip is that do not go scope walking. This may kill you as you cannot move faster and it will also scope off your balance when you are trying a head shot.
  • It is better to stay in one spot where no one else will see you but if someone saw you better change the place. This is the major mistakes most of the gamer does.
  • Be aware of heavy weapon carriers. They are the snipers nightmare. If they got you, they will blast you into next game.!!!
  • Also aware of another sniper. May be he can target you to headshot
If you have anymore points comment below.


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