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Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Last Day of The World !!!

Posted by Unknown On 04:44 No comments
"Whoa!!! We are in danger!!  The world is gonna end!! Move!! Move!!" These are the famous slogans and dialogue we often hear in movies. But its shocking when NASA scientists chants that slogans seriously. Reason: An asteroid is coming far down to hit the earth.  An asteroid named "1950 DA Asteroid" is travelling at a pace of 14 kmph  in space. That asteroid can strike the earth at the speed of 61,000 kmph says scientists. Its...

Friday, 22 August 2014

Mininum PC Requirements: Intel CPU - Pentium Dual Core E2180 2.0 Ghz AMD CPU - Athlon 64 x2 Dual Core 4000+ Nvidia GPU - GeForce 8600 GTS 512 MB AMD GPU - Radeon HD 4650 RAM - 2 GB OS - Win Vista 32 Direct X - DX 10 HDD Space - 20 GB Download (torrent): Click Here...

Saturday, 16 August 2014

Top 10 Games Coming Soon!!!

Posted by Unknown On 03:48 No comments
These are the upcoming games that are going to be released. #10. Pokemon Alpha Sapphire/Omega Ruby Release: Nov 21, 2014 Platforms: Nintendo 3DS #9. Mortal Kombat X Release: Dec 31, 2015 Platforms: PC, Xbox 360, Xbox One +2 more #8. Assassin's Creed: Rogue Release: Nov 11, 2014 Platforms: PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 #7. Bloodborne Release: Dec 31, 2015 Platforms: PlayStation 4 #6. Far Cry 4 Release: Nov 18, 2014 Platforms: PlayStation...

Saturday, 9 August 2014

 To be a perfect sniper, the first point is to be invisible. Others should not know where you are shooting from. This is the great asset for a perfect sniper. Cover yourself when you reload. This is a major mistake the gamer do. Do not stand plain when you reload, so that it will be a opportunity for others to make a head shot. When you make cover yourself make sure that others did not see your position where you have hidden. Stay...

Saturday, 2 August 2014


Top 10 Photo Editing Software 2014

Posted by Unknown On 22:36 No comments
Ø  Whether you are a budding or an experienced photographer, or you just need a program to help finding the right photo editing software to improve and enhance your photos can be intimidating. Ø  Now a days, editing software, becoming even more user friendly over past few years. Ø  Now it is easy to edit your pictures without any previous experience. And with so many ways to share your pictures with social media and mobile...
Would you like to know just how many people have visited your Facebook page, or to be notified when a friend unfriends you? How about changing that Facebook blue color of your profile — would you be interested in that? Of course you need these things. That’s why links to many of the top 10 Facebook scams, shown in this article, read just like the below. The digital security company Bitdefender compiled a list of 10 most common...

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